Home : ORTA Resources : T2 Metrics and Reporting


Title 15, U.S. Code, Section 3710(f) requires each federal agency that operates or directs one or more federal laboratories or specified laboratories to submit an annual performance report addressing the intramural technology transfer activities of its laboratories and centers. This report is provided to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and then summarized in the Secretary of Commerce’s Annual Summary Report to the President, Congress, and U.S. Trade Representative on the status of federal laboratory technology transfer. 

The two main categories of information to be included in the report are: (1) a description of the current technology transfer programs and plans of the agency’s federal laboratories, and (2) statistics and other relevant data that describe the federal laboratories’ intramural activities and achievements in technology transfer over the most recently closed fiscal year. Data related to extramural activities is not included in this report.

The annual Army Technology Transfer Program Annual Report provides readers an overview of the Army Technology Transfer Program (ATTP), annual metrics, ongoing activities, and success stories related to Army technology transfer. The Army Technology Transfer Annual Report aims to inform readers of opportunities for industry and academia to partner with U.S. Army laboratories in the transfer of technology.
