Title 15, U.S. Code, Section 3710a(d), defines a laboratory as:
(a) a facility or group of facilities owned, leased, or otherwise used by a federal agency, a substantial purpose of which is the performance of research, development, or engineering by employees of the Federal Government;
(b) a group of Government-owned, contractor-operated under a common contract, when a substantial purpose of the contract is the performance of research and development, or the production, maintenance, testing, or dismantlement of a nuclear weapon or its components, for the Federal Government; and
(c) a Government-owned, contractor-operated facility that is not under a common contract described in (b), and the primary purpose of which is the performance of research and development, or the production, maintenance, testing, or dismantlement of a nuclear weapon or its components, for the Federal Government.
Commanders and directors of Army organizations that have not been designated as a specified laboratory or center whose organization would be considered a laboratory under the definition in Title 15, U.S. Code, Section 3710a(d)(2) may contact the Army Technology Transfer Program (ATTP) through their chain of command to request designation as a specified laboratory or center. Requests should be addressed to the Army Director for Technology Transfer (ADTT), be endorsed by all intermediate commanders or directors, and provide justification for the request. The ADTT will meet with the requesting organization to review requirements for obtaining and maintaining technology transfer (T2) designation, to include the roles and responsibilities of leadership, the Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTA) representative, and the attorney that will be responsible for T2 actions. The ADTT and the Department of the Army Office of General Counsel will evaluate all requests for T2 designation submitted for approval. Upon ADTT approval, requesting organization heads, ORTA representative, and attorney will be notified via email.